


面积:1100 m²

城市:北京 顺义区



中国的文化是以儒家文化为核心,尊师重道是各行各业的道德标准和行为准则。俗话说“三百六十行,行行出状元”,职业发展到现代,保安职业的祖师爷,是谁呢? Confucian culture is the core of Chinese culture. Respecting teachers and respecting morality is the moral standard and code of conduct of all walks of life. As the saying goes, "three hundred and sixty line, line out of the


总裁办公室 PRESIDENT'S OFFICE 总裁办公室进门的玄关处理没有用中式的隔断,用一个圆形壁炉更能表达空间的温度。在整个空间做个三个空间序曲,分别是办公、会客、茶室。他们之间既有分割又有独立的空间形式,恰如其分的平衡与稳定,传达出现代办公的东方气质。 There is no Chinese partition for the entrance of the president's office. A circular fireplace can better express the temperature of the space. Make three space Overtures in the whole space: office, reception and tea area. There are both separate and independent space forms between them, with proper balance and stability, conveying the Oriental temperament of modern office.








办公空间的拱形顶面让空间的气质变得更加挺拔,线性光源的,让空间的光线变得更加自然和谐,创造出东方美学空间纯粹的静谧感。 The arched top surface of the office space makes the temperament of the space more straight and straight, and the linear light source makes the light of the space more natural and harmonious, creating the pure tranquility of the Oriental aesthetic space.


大堂 COMMON AREAS 保安的祖师爷很多人会认为是神荼、郁垒、也有人认为是秦琼和尉迟恭,但是在唐朝之前,国人就开始在门上贴门神了。而那时的门神贴的是三国时期英勇无畏的关羽,关羽作为第一个安保的门神乃实至名归。 Many people think that security staff's grand master is Shen Shu, Yu lv, and others think that they are Qin Qiong and Yu Chi gong. But before the Tang Dynasty, Chinese people began to paste door gods on the door. At that time, the door god pasted the brave and fearless Guan Yu in the Three Kingdoms period. As the first security door god, Guan Yu deserved his name. 我们在梳理设计的底层逻辑会发现,做为办公室的设计我们不能把门神的形式放在整个空间,那么空间的设计元素我们提取了门神的眼神,眼神和目光才是令一个人闻风丧胆害怕的重要元素。 When we sort out the underlying logic of the design, we will find that as an office design, we can't put the form of door god in the whole space, so we extract the design elements of the space from the eyes of the door god. The eyes and eyes are the important elements that make a person scared. 办公空间追求空间的平衡感和庄严感一直是建筑和室内设计师所追求的。米色大理石和黑色金属套线贯穿于空间秩序和关系。每个不同气质空间的表达情绪都是不一样的,比如高兴、愉悦、安静、热烈、沉稳。墙面的壁灯仿佛就像是两个门神的眼睛,他仿佛是空间情绪的表情符号。 The pursuit of balance and solemnity in office space has always been the pursuit of architects and interior designers. Beige marble and black metal thread run through the space order and relationship. Different temperament spaces express different emotions, such as happiness, pleasure, quiet, warm and calm. The wall lamp seems like the eyes of two door gods, he seems to be the emoticon of space emotion.






工作区 OFFICE AREA 办公空间的拱形顶面让空间的气质变得更加挺拔,线性光源的,让空间的光线变得更加自然和谐,创造出东方美学空间纯粹的静谧感。 The arched top surface of the office space makes the temperament of the space more straight and straight, and the linear light source makes the light of the space more natural and harmonious, creating the pure tranquility of the Oriental aesthetic space.